Western Australian Institute for Educational ResearchAnnual General Meeting 1989This page is WAIER's official archival copy of thetext of a printed document issued by WAIER in 1989.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, November 28, 1989
commencing at 7.00 p.m. at the Churchlands Campus, WACAEIN ATTENDANCE :
L. King (President)
G. Campbell-Evans
J. Butcher
P. Adamson
B. Leggett
G. Lock
J. Cullen
J. Oliver
D. Mason
L. Chiang
A. Taggart
D. Spina
W. McKinty
J. Harris
J. Williams
J. Tognolini
M. Milton
P. Larsen
C. Tayler [Secretary]APOLOGIES :
J. Miles
B. Down
B. Fraser
T. Ryan
J. Williamson
Len King welcomed members to the Annual General Meeting of WAIER.
Regarding the WAIER Journal/Newsletter idea, the membership recommended that the in-coming executive committee reconsider the matter at its next meeting.
In summary Len King made the following Comments regarding the WAIER Executive for 1989.
5.1 | A special acknowledgement was made to Dr. Murray Print who had recently transferred to the University of Sydney and consequently has had to resign from the WAIER. The meeting extended its thanks to Murray for all his work on the Executive and in his out-going role as Vice President. |
5.2 | Membership Fee. Advance notice was given that the membership fee will be reviewed given that the WAIER rates are the lowest of all institutes in the country. The meeting did agree that the membership period be changed to cover the normal financial year rather than the current calendar year. |
5.3 |
5.4 | The matter of WAIER seeking a relationship with the Ministry of Education with regard to research affairs was progressing slowly. |
5.5 | Other matters regarding Career Awards, the 1989 Research Forum and the President's expression of appreciation are detailed in the attached President's Annual Report. |
that the President's Report be accepted.
The Treasurer noted that 47 members have taken the option of paying one year in advance. This was an innovation undertaken in 1989. The statement for the financial year ending November 25, 1989 is attached.
that the Treasurer's Report be accepted.
The attached Secretary's Report contains office bearers for 1990 along with the Prize winners of the 1989 WAIER awards.
Notification was received that Mike Heaven (Curtin) would become the post graduate student representative on the Executive Committee.
that the Secretary's Report be accepted.
8.1 | The meeting requested that the Executive Consider the resumption of the Issues in Educational Research series. |
8.2 | The meeting recommended that the possibility of other general meetings in addition to the AGM be set up throughout the course of the year, become a matter for consideration by the in-coming Executive Committee. |
The meeting was declared closed at 7.55 p.m. with the President thanking members for their attendance.