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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

21st Annual Research Forum
at Edith Cowan University
Building 17, Mt Lawley Campus

Forum 2006 Schedule

Presentations on Saturday 5 August [ Abstracts ]
[ Forum Invitation ] [ Contents of Proceedings ]
The Forum activities are in Building 17. We recommend car parking on the northern side adjacent to the Central Avenue entrance, and near Building 17, as parking in other areas of the campus may be congested by other activities - see ECU Campus Maps (select Mt Lawley). Saturday parking is free.

9.30-10.00Registration and Coffee and Muffins in the Foyer of Building 17
[ Refreshments will be available ongoing ]
President's Welcome in the Lecture Theatre of Building 1717.157
TimeSession presentersTitleRoom
Parallel 1
Philip Chien Development, validation and use of an instrument for assessing business management education learning environments: The BMELE inventory17.102
Grace Oakley, Janet Fellowes, Belinda Nelson
Helping children comprehend Internet texts: The LUCC Plan17.103
Peter Charles Taylor

Frieda Hakadiva
SMEC Symposium: Critical autoethnography
(first of four consecutive sessions)

Investigating aspects of language and culture and their impact on the teaching and learning of maths
David Ansell
(Chair) [Introduction]

David Ansell, Peter Reynolds
and Paul Stewart

Brian English, David Ansell,
Linda Moore and Peter Reynolds
DET Participation Directorate Symposium
(first of two consecutive sessions each with two papers)

Cultural change and raising the school leaving age

Successful programs for Indigenous youth in rural and remote WA
Julie-Anne EllisStudents at educational risk: An interpretivist study of micro level policy implementation in three WA Government primary schools17.219
Parallel 2
Maria Northcote
Educational and epistemological beliefs: Exploring blurred boundaries17.102
Lou Siragusa
Quality eLearning: Designing pedagogically effective web based environments for enhancing student online learning in higher education17.103

Dun Nkhoma Kasoka
SMEC Symposium: Critical autoethnography
(second of four consecutive sessions)

The gender gap in mathematics education: Cultural factors influencing learning in Malawi

David Ansell, Peter Reynolds
and Paul Stewart

David Ansell, Paul Stewart and Peter Reynolds
DET Participation Directorate Symposium
(second of two consecutive sessions each with two papers)

Validating a participation risk factor instrument

Scenarios for Year 12 in 2008
Zsuzsa MilleiEducating or regulating parents? What a parent education website 'teaches' us17.219
Parallel 3
Bill Leadbetter, Lesley Newhouse-Maiden and Eva Dobozy Laying bare the hidden curriculum: Exploring values education with pre-service teachers17.102
Anne-Marie ChaseStudent use of digital technologies in and out of school17.103

Emilia Afonso
SMEC Symposium: Critical autoethnography
(third of four consecutive sessions)

Developing a culturally inclusive philosophy of science teacher education in Mozambique
John O'RourkeAcademic and social support mechanisms for adolescents with mild disabilities in inclusive classrooms: Development and evaluation17.218
Maria Fiocco'Glonacal' contexts: Internationalisation policy in the Australian higher education sector and the development of pathway programs17.219
Parallel 4
Brad GobbyCaptured becomings in the boys' education debate17.102
John BednallDevising a phenomenological study within the qualitative paradigm17.103
Bal Chandra Luitel

Alberto Cupane
SMEC Symposium: Critical autoethnography
(fourth of four consecutive sessions)

Towards a culture-sensitive pedagogy of science teacher education in Mozambique
Rekha B Koul and Darrell L FisherDevelopment, validation and application of an assessment questionnaire using student perceptions17.218
Laura Perry A model for conceptualising democratic education17.219
12.30-1.30Lunch in Cafeteria
Presentation of WAIER Fellowships
Presentation of Postgraduate Awards
Presentation of Early Career Award
Parallel 5
Jane Pearce"It's not rocket science": But is teaching ordinary?17.102
Penny TanConducting online questionnaires17.103
Dawn Darlaston-JonesStriving for excellence: Challenges and tensions of teaching behavioural science to a large class of diverse disciplines17.123
Glenn SavageSilencing the everyday experiences of youth? Issues of subjectivity, corporate ideology and popular culture in the English classroom17.218
Christine Buckley Making the most of participants: Applying the Delphi Technique to policy and research17.219
Parallel 6
Rosemary EvansInvestigating the understanding of scientific literacy using personal meaning mapping as an interview technique17.102
Janet FellowesBoys and writing: Attentiveness levels and the impact of single gender classes17.103
Abe Kassab and Kya GravesProfessional Learning Pathways Project (PLPP): Middle managers leading from the middle17.123
Margaret SutherlandIdentifying students with learning difficulties and finding solutions17.218
Elaine LewisThe story of sustainability at a Montessori School17.219
Parallel 7
Caroline MansfieldThere's more to life than marks: The increased emphasis on social goals during secondary school17.102
Jacqui GannonWhy multi-modal? Best practice for the identification of talented and gifted primary school students17.103
Karen Murcia An evidence based framework for developing scientific literacy17.123
Sharinaz A HassanDevelopment of an instrument to assess metacognition knowledge in middle and secondary level classrooms17.218
Reisha Hartley and Zsuzsa Millei"He's got to learn to keep his shoes on": How inclusive our schools really are17.219
4.40-5.30Post Conference Happy HourFoyer

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Pearson Education Australia graphic
Sponsoring a display of text books for teacher education and educational research topics - representative Nina Buckley

Thomson Learning graphicThomson Learning Australia is a leading provider of learning solutions in the school and higher education markets of Australia and New Zealand. As well as marketing the US school, higher education and library reference product, Thomson publishes a successful range of indigenous products for school and university education... - representative Gary Brown

[ Forum Invitation ] [ Abstracts ] [ Proceedings ] [ Photos 1 ] [ WAIER Home Page ]
Created: 28 June 2006. Last revision: 2 Aug 2006. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/forums/2006/schedule.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]