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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

25th Annual Research Forum
at Edith Cowan University, Building 17, Mt Lawley Campus

Forum 2010 Program

Presentations on Saturday 7 August [Abstracts]
[Forum Invitation] [Contents of Proceedings]
The Forum activities are in Building 17. We recommend car parking on the northern side adjacent to the Central Avenue entrance, and near Building 17, as parking in other areas of the campus may be congested by other activities - see ECU Campus Maps (select Mt Lawley). Saturday parking is free.

The program given below is a draft subject to change. We estimate that the allocations of times for presenters will be finalised by about midday 4 August 2010. If you have a pressing need for a particular timing for your presentation, e.g. morning or afternoon, please advise by email to c.mcbeath@bigpond.com before end Tuesday 3 Aug.

9.30-10.00Registration and Coffee and Muffins in the Foyer of Building 17
[ Refreshments will be available ongoing ]
President's Welcome in Lecture Theatre 17.20317.203
TimeSession presentersTitleRoom
Parallel 1
Tessa GroenThe perceived influence of student accommodation arrangements on the first year experience17.123
Krystal Ng and Jade RobertsAn analysis of student perceptions and expectations of their transition into Law School at UWA17.125
Elaine LopesSchools of Isolated and Distance Education: Background, functions and challenges17.203
Tim PitmanThe use of RPL in the Australian higher education sector17.218
Karen MurciaMultimodal representations of science in a primary school interactive whiteboard classroom17.219
Elaine Lewis, Catherine Baudains and C. MansfieldSilos, systems and circles: Case study on the impact of AuSSI-WA at a primary school17.220
Parallel 2
Fiona Nunn"Taking away the stars": The first year rural student experience at UWA17.123
Ciara O'LoughlinVoice from the law: An analysis of student perceptions of the transition to studying law17.125
Jasmine McDonaldSchools of Isolated and Distance Education: A school of last resort for students with an autism spectrum disorder 17.203
Richard HewisonPredicting the academic performance of international students within the Australian higher education sector17.218
Maureen MichaelUnderstanding and fostering the effective use of multimodal representations in science learning and teaching17.219
Joanne Faulkner and Irene StylesDeveloping a measure of phonological awareness in pre-primary students: Extending the performance indicators17.220
Parallel 3
Cybèle McNeilOther voices: Four female students talk about their first year experience17.123
Catherine BaptyThe effectiveness of orientation activities for first year Bachelor of Education combined course students at UWA17.125
Michele TonerUniversity students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and their first year: A theory of developing empowerment17.203
Rachael Hains-WessonAll the world's a stage: The impact of performance skills on students' attitudes towards the learning experience17.218
Geoffrey LoweClass music and student values: Why students drop out of music programs in lower secondary school17.219
Annamaria PaolinoThe use of the Orff-Schulwerk approach as a pedagogical tool for the teaching of Italian to upper primary school students17.220
Parallel 4
Bernadette Podesta-MeaneyThe mature age student: Pressures of the first year experience17.123
Adelle MainDesign students' first year experience in an Australian university17.125
Jan GrayStaying at school: Narratives of resistance and transition17.203
Richard Patrick BransonUsing interpretative phenomenological analysis in educational research17.219
Sophia Bickford, Nancy Longnecker and Grady VenvilleMaximising benefits of field trips and guest speakers in secondary science education17.220
12.40-1.30Lunch in Cafeteria
Presentation of Postgraduate Awards
Presentation of WAIER Fellowships
Presentation of Early Career Award
Parallel 5
Nichola BurtonForging ties during transition: First year students and social support17.123
Justin A. Manzano"Like a kid in a candy store": Liberal education, autonomy, and the first year experience17.125
Erasmus K. Norviewu-MorttyPrincipals' strategies for improving students' academic achievement in rural junior high schools in Ghana17.203
Leanne FriedRegulating emotions in the classroom17.218
Patricia Konigsberg and Adriano TruscottMore than words: An investigation into the misunderstanding of Standard Australian English texts17.219
Tara TuchaaiCritical literacy practices and higher order thinking in a Western Australian literature course17.220
Parallel 6
Jonathan PohFirst year international students' perception of language support as a way of coping with studying at an Australian university17.123
Virginia GoganThe Peer Assisted Study Sessions program: Does PASS assist first year students in their transition to university?17.125
Laszlo BubrikThe invisible-visible teacher: Perceptions about relief teachers and relief teaching in secondary schools17.203
Susan Beltman, Caroline Mansfield, A. McConney, Anne Price and Lina PelliccioneTeacher resilience: A systematic review of recent literature17.218
Philip PaioffBuilding leaders, building communities: Ten things you wanted to know about the role of an Aboriginal Islander EO17.219
Lisette Kaleveld and Lisa AlcockLiteracy and numeracy interventions for low achieving students, through the training and deployment of paraprofessionals17.220
Parallel 7
Stefania GiamminutiPedagogical documentation in the Reggio Emilia educational project: Values, quality and community in early childhood17.123
Kate RyanTeachers' perspectives of students' first year experience in higher education17.125
Agatha InkoomEffectiveness of education reform in Ghana17.203
Jennifer Bejr, Rebecca Garfield and Janna SomersDare to differentiate: A strategy for gifted students17.218
Geraldine DitchburnWhat's the problem? Pausing to reassess the reasons for a national curriculum17.220
4.40-5.30Post Conference Happy HourFoyer

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Australian Council
for Educational Research

per Maxine O'Shannassy

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Sponsor: per Amanda Brandt
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Sponsor: per Jess Howard
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Sponsor: per Shane Dirou
State Business Development Manager

[Forum Invitation] [Abstracts] [Proceedings] [Photos 1] [Photos 2] [Photos 3] [Photos 4] [WAIER Home Page]
Created: 1 Aug 2010. Last revision: 8 Aug 2010 (two cancellations: Zack Doherty, Beverley Webster) (time changes: Behr et al; Gray; Fried; Beltman et al).
This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/forums/2010/schedule.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]