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WAIER Forum 2012: Forum activities

These photographs illustrate activities at the 27th Annual Research Forum, Saturday 11 August 2012, at Notre Dame University, Fremantle.

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WAIER logo
Photo: Registration activities
Committee members prepare for registration.... Rita Tognini, Anne Coffey, Clare McBeath, Sue Beltman, Caroline Mansfield

Photo: Registration activities
Tannock Hall of Education lecture theatre is ready for the opening plenary session....

Photo: Registration activities
Yes, all is ready... Committee members Rita Tognini, Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis, Caroline Mansfield, Sonja Kuzich and Jenni Parker

Photo: Registration activities
Registration progressing.... Treasurer Brad Gobby (right) overseeing

Photo: Registration activities
Clare McBeath (Committee), Gary Partington (Keynote Speaker), Sue Beltman (President) and Helen McCarthy (Curtin University)

Photo: Carolyn Murphy and Jenni Parker
Jenni Parker (Committee) with Carolyn Murphy, representing Awards Sponsor Teachers Mutual Bank

Photo: Sponsor's display: ACER
Book display by Sponsor ACER [Australian Council for Educational Research]

Photo: Sue Beltman
President Sue Beltman opens the Forum
Photo: Gary Partington
Keynote address by Professor Gary Partington [Abstract]

Photo: Lecture theatre, plenary session
Forum participants listening to Gary Partington [Abstract]

Lecture theatre, Gary Partington address
One of the concluding points discussed by Gary was topical, 'Winning the Research Grant'!

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Last revised 31 Aug 2012. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/2012/photos/photos2.html
Digital photography: Eva Dobozy, Miki Dobozy and Roger Atkinson. HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]