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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

28th Annual Research Forum: Research informing reform
University of Notre Dame, 1.00 pm to 6.25 pm, Saturday 10 August

Forum 2013 Program

Presentations on Saturday 10 August
[Abstracts] [Forum Invitation]
The Forum activities are in The University of Notre Dame Australia's education building, the Tannock Hall of Education, corner of Cliff and Croke Streets, Fremantle. Consult your street directory for parking locations, or for public transport, note the close proximity to Fremantle Railway Station. For campus maps see [Campus locations] and select [Google Maps Fremantle] or [PDF Map Fremantle].

The program given below is a draft subject to change. We estimate that the allocations of times for presenters will be finalised by about midday 4 August 2013. If you have a pressing need for a particular timing for your presentation, please advise by email to c.mcbeath@bigpond.com before end Saturday 3 August.

Opening: President of WAIER, Dr Susan Beltman
Keynote lecture and feature presentation: Professor Barry Down: 'You can't be neutral on a moving train': Why critical educational research matters in 'dark times' [Abstract]
Room 101
TimeSession presentersTitleRoom
Parallel 1
Sophia KaikoOvercoming Australian tertiary students' barriers to studying abroad in AsiaRoom 201
Mark HecimovichProfessional self-confidence in health education: A multi-method study using the Rasch measurement modelRoom 202
Audrey Cooke and Vaille DawsonRelationships between the initiators of classroom interactions and ICT use in upper primary classroomsComputer Lab 203
Pina TarriconeIntroduction to a cognitive learning tool to learn about metacognitionRoom 301
Caroline D'uva and Eva DobozyA retrospective phenomenological study of twice exceptional students in Australian early childhood settingsRoom 302
Debra SayceProfessional and personal needs of beginning principals in Catholic schools: The first five yearsComputer Lab 303
Parallel 2
Alistair SissonWhat influences exchange destination choice? Evidence from students returned to an Australian universityRoom 201
Michelle AppletonEngaging pharmacy students in argumentation: Its impact on critical thinking and conceptual understandingRoom 202
Anne CoffeyA mobile technology supporting the transition of students from primary to secondary schoolComputer Lab 203
Saul KarnovskyWhat do education researchers think about emotions in teaching? A reviewRoom 301
Annamaria PaolinoThe Orff-Schulwerk approach to effective teaching of Italian to upper primary studentsRoom 302
Brad GobbyPrincipals' experiences of the Independent Public Schools initiativeComputer Lab 303
Parallel 3
Charlotte KingWhy international students choose UWA for an exchange experienceRoom 201
Vaille DawsonInverting the curriculum in a Faculty of Science and EngineeringRoom 202
Siew Fong YapThe use of ethical frameworks in teaching bioethics issues in Year 10 BiotechnologyComputer Lab 203
Madeleine DobsonGirls and the media: A review of the literatureRoom 301
Sarah EkinWhat is an effective teacher of German? Perceptions of Western Australian teachers of GermanRoom 302
Liz CriddleContested curriculum in Australian schooling: A reflection on research methodologiesComputer Lab 303
Parallel 4
Eesha PatelAssisting international students adapt to university life in an Australian UniversityRoom 201
Billi McCarthy-PriceThe perceptions of undergraduate students towards studying a language other than English: An Australian case studyRoom 202
Elaine LewisFifty tonne plan: Sustainability cross curriculum priority actionComputer Lab 203
Khadeeja Ibrahim-Didi, Mark Hackling, Travis Carter, Anna Keunen, Mark O'Mara and Laura DaleTaking ownership of teacher professional learning: Using video-clubs to develop teacher professional visionRoom 301
Kristy Howson and Eva DobozyThe impact of the Australian Curriculum on children's school readiness and school readiness competenciesRoom 302
Gregory S.C. HineStudent leadership: A focused review of current research and literatureComputer Lab 303
3.40-4.05Coffee break
Parallel 5
Emily EarnshawThe role of international electives in global health education: What do students think?Room 201
Eva DobozyTheorising case-based teaching: Foundations, definitions, directions and connectionsRoom 202
Paula MildenhallUsing semiotic resources to build metaphors when teaching the part-whole model of fractionsComputer Lab 203
Roslyn (Rose) CarnesCritical questioning unsettles white noise in educational researchRoom 301
Glenda Cain, Patrick Hampton and Shane LaverySecond-year pre-service primary teachers in service-learning immersion in a remote Aboriginal schoolRoom 302
Carmen ZunigaThe voucher system and national standardised tests in the Chilean system of educationComputer Lab 303
Parallel 6
Kiran NarulaThe role of overseas electives in teaching global health: Perspectives of UWA medical studentsRoom 201
Dorit MaorA feasibility study into higher degree supervision to bring reform to this fieldRoom 202
Sharon M. DaviesUsing standardised assessment to appraise young children's understanding of prepositionsComputer Lab 203
Sam ProdonovichNavigating the future: Perspectives of aspirations for higher educationRoom 301
Arman AbedniaCritical research on teacher professional identity: A Foucauldian perspectiveRoom 302
Ying (Amy) Tao, Grady Venville and Mary OliverGlobalisation of curriculum reform: A case study conducted in Chinese and Australian primary classroomsComputer Lab 303
Parallel 7
Sandra RaubHello globalisation: Adapting the Australian law degree to the international playing field?Room 201
Sonia FernsIntegrating theory and practice: skill development in higher educationRoom 202
Pina TarriconeDigital Design portfolio assessment and Rasch analyses of the Design Course analytical markingRoom 301
Fiona E. Mayne and Christine HowittMeta-analysis of ethics reporting in 10 early childhood research journalsRoom 302
Eunice SariTeacher professional development in an online learning community: A case study in IndonesiaComputer Lab 303
5.25-6.25Sundowner: [Postgraduate Awards] and [Early Career Award]

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Created: 2 Aug 2013. Last revision: 3 Sep 2021.
This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/2013/schedule.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]