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WAIER Forum 2017: Forum activities

These photographs illustrate activities at the 33rd Annual Research Forum, Saturday 5 August 2017, at The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle.

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WAIER logo
Photo: Registration desk: Sue Beltman, Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis, Chris Glass
Registration desk: Sue Beltman, Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis, Chris Glass
Photo: Registration time: Veronica Gardner and Sonja Kuzich
Registration time: Veronica Gardiner and Sonja Kuzich
Photo: A delegate with Caroline Mansfield
A delegate with Caroline Mansfield
Photo: Anne Coffey with Notre Dame Education Society students
Anne Coffey (2nd from left) with Notre Dame Education Society students
who served tea and coffee for delegates
Photo: Brad Gobby and Helen Dempsey
Brad Gobby and Helen Dempsey
Photo: Teachers Mutual Bank sponsored the WAIER Awards
Teachers Mutual Bank sponsored the WAIER Awards
Photo: Paul Gardner, Sonja Kuzich and Rita Tognini
Paul Gardner, Sonja Kuzich and Rita Tognini
Photo: Delegates beginning to arrive
Delegates beginning to arrive...
Photo: More arrivals
More arrivals...
Photo: Lecture theatre 101 beginning to fill for the plenary session
Lecture theatre 101 beginning to fill for the plenary session... Q and A Panelists Gabrielle Doyle and Ron Gorman front right
Photo: WAIER Secretary Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis (lower right)
... filling ... WAIER Secretary Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis (lower right) eying the entrance
President Sue Beltman opening the Forum
Dr Brad Gobby, WAIER Fellow Award recipient
L to R: Q and A Panelists: Ron Gorman, Gabrielle Doyle, Lesley Ghent, Helen Dempsey
with Gregory Hine (Chairperson, back)
Some delegates taking a brief break before dispersing to parallel sessions
Yuli Rahmawati, Ani Widayati, Maria Suprawati and Alaa Alharthi (background, R),
also taking a brief break before the parallel sessions
Sonja Kuzich and Paul Gardner
Clare McBeath, Veronica Gardner and Judith MacCallum
Clara Deans and David Lawrence
A Notre Dame Education Society student with Michelle Murphy (right)
A delegate and Janean Robinson
Three delegates
Alaa Alharthi, Yuli Rahmawati (Universitas Negeri Jakarta)
Ani Widayati (Curtin University)
Yuli Rahmawati (Universitas Negeri Jakarta), Ani Widayati (Murdoch University),
Alaa Alharthi (Curtin University), Maria Suprawati (Murdoch University)

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Last revised 20 Nov 2021. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/2017/photos/photos2.html
Digital photography: Roger Atkinson. HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]