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WAIER Forum 2021: Awards

These photographs illustrate Award conferrals at the 36th Annual Research Forum, Saturday 7 August 2021, at Notre Dame University, Fremantle. The Award conferrals included 2020 recipients who had not received a formal ceremonial presentation because Forum 2020 became an online only event on Saturday 1 August [ Forum 2020 ], owing to Covid-19 event restrictions.

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WAIER Postgraduate Awards
The Western Australian Institute for Educational Research presents a number of Postgraduate Awards annually. The aim of these Awards is to recognise excellence in postgraduate student research in the field of education. The Faculty, School or Department of Education from participating WA universities selects an outstanding student researcher to whom this prize will be awarded [ Postgraduate Awards ].

WAIER Postgraduate Awards 2020
Jane Kirkham
The University of Western Australia
[no photograph available]
Best postgraduate publication:
Kirkham, J., Chapman, E., Wildy, H. (2019). Factors considered by Western Australian Year 10 students in choosing Year 11 mathematics courses. Mathematics Education Research Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13394-019-00277-y

Dr Portia Odell
Curtin University
[no photograph available]
PhD thesis
Low carbon schools: Reducing carbon emissions & fostering intergenerational change

Dr Barbara Sherriff
Edith Cowan University
[no photograph available]
PhD thesis
How exemplary teachers promote scientific reasoning and higher order thinking in primary science

Dr Janene Leesa Sproul
Murdoch University

PhD thesis, Visual light hypersensitivity, classroom digital media and inclusive pedagogy: Untangling the maze
Photo with Marilyn Pratt from Teachers Mutual Bank, Awards sponsor [ TMB ]
Photo: Janene Sproul

WAIER Postgraduate Awards 2021
Dr Julie Boston
Edith Cowan University

PhD thesis, Learning in a digitally connected classroom: Secondary science teachers' pedagogical reasoning and practices
Photo with Marilyn Pratt from Teachers Mutual Bank, Awards sponsor [ TMB ]

[Presentation abstract]
Photo: Julie Boston
Dr Saul Adam Karnovsky
Curtin University

PhD thesis, Learning the emotional rules of teaching: A Foucauldian analysis of ethical self-formation in pre-service teacher education

[Presentation abstract]
Photo: Saul Karnovsky
Dr Johanne Klap
Murdoch University

PhD thesis, Supporting and transforming school principals' wellbeing and leadership
Photo with Marilyn Pratt from Teachers Mutual Bank, Awards sponsor [ TMB ]

[Presentation abstract]
Photo: Johanne Klap
Dr Lucie McCrory
The University of Notre Dame

PhD thesis, Perspectives of Year 12 students from five Catholic secondary schools in Western Australia towards teaching as a career
Photo with Marilyn Pratt from Teachers Mutual Bank, Awards sponsor [ TMB ]

[Presentation abstract]
Photo: Lucie McCrory
Dr John Mortimer
The University of Western Australia

Best postgraduate publication:
Mortimer, J. (2020). Research on the construction of geography as a senior secondary school subject. Education Research and Perspectives, 47, 104-130. https://www.erpjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/05_ERPV47_Mortimer.pdf
Photo with Marilyn Pratt from Teachers Mutual Bank, Awards sponsor [ TMB ]

[Presentation abstract]
Photo: John Mortimer

WAIER-Fogarty Foundation Postgraduate Student Research Prize
In 2020 and 2021 WAIER partnered with the Fogarty Foundation to offer a postgraduate student research prize of $5000. The aim of the prize is to support educational researchers studying at an approved higher education institution who are conducting research directly relevant to early childhood, primary, secondary or tertiary education. The winners of the Postgraduate Student Research Prize 2020 and 2021 are:
2020: Felicity Roux
Curtin University
In 2020 Felicity was a PhD candidate in the Curtin University School of Public Health. Felicity's research focused on developing and trialling a school-based ovulatory-menstrual health literacy program centred on the whole person. Felicity presented at Forum 2021 [Presentation abstract]. Photo with WAIER Past President Dr Susan Beltman.
Photo: Felicity Roux
2021: Jane Kirkham
The University of Western Australia
Felicity presented at Forum 2021 [Presentation abstract]. Photo with WAIER Past President Dr Susan Beltman.
Photo: Jane Kirkham

WAIER Early Career Award 2022
The Western Australian Institute for Educational Research has presented the Early Career Award annually since 1989. The aim of the Award is to recognise excellence early in an academic/research career and to encourage continuing contributions to research of excellent quality. It is offered to a researcher who has completed a doctoral degree in education in the last five years. Winners of the Early Career Award are announced at the Forum [ Early Career Award ]
ECA 2020 winner: Dr Kirsten Hancock
UWA Centre for Child Health Research
Dr Kirsten Hancock is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the UWA Centre for Child Health Research. Previously she obtained her PhD from the School of Population and Global Health, The university of Western Australia, with thesis titled Does the reason make a difference? Assessing school absence codes and their associations with student achievement outcomes. https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/publications/does-the-reason-make-a-difference-assessing-school-absence-codes-
Although Kirsten could not attend Forum 2021, she presented at Forum 2019.
[Presentation abstract Forum 2019] (no photograph available).

ECA 2021 joint winner: Dr Sonja Kuzich
Curtin University

[Presentation abstract]
Photo: Sonja Kuzich

ECA 2021 joint winner: Dr Fiona Mayne
The University of Western Australia

[Presentation abstract]
Photo: Fiona Mayne

WAIER Fellowship Award

Fellowships are awarded on the basis of leadership and length of service to WAIER, and contribution to the community of educational research within Western Australia. WAIER Fellows are invited to submit a portfolio of 10 years active service in WAIER, including a sustained contribution to the leadership and administration of the Executive Committee, participation in the achievement of the objects and aims of WAIER, valued and sustained performance in a management role on the Executive Committee and a significant contribution within the community of educational research in WA. The Award is conferred by unanimous vote of the WAIER Executive Committee.

No Fellowship or Life Member awards were made in 2020 and 2021

For details of recipents in previous years, see [Fellows and Life Members]

[Photos 2 - Forum activities] [Photos 3 - Presentations] [Photos 4 - Sundowner] [All Forums index]
Last revised 14 Aug 2023. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/2021/photos/photos1.html
Digital photography: Madeleine Dobson and Roger Atkinson. HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]