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WAIER Forum 2022: Presentations

These photographs illustrate Award conferrals at the 37th Annual Research Forum, Saturday 6 August 2022, at Notre Dame University, Fremantle.

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Photo: Davida Aba Mensima Asante-Nimako
Davida Asante-Nimako [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Felicity Baker
Felicity Baker [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Kim Balnaves
Kim Balnaves [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Carol Carter
Carol Carter [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Anne Coffey
Anne Coffey [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Anne Linda Cranley
Linda Cranley [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Kathryn Dehle
Kathryn Dehle [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Sandi Fielder
Sandi Fielder [Pres. abstract 1] [Pres. abstract 2]
Photo: Sonia Ferns
Sonia Ferns [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Veronica Gardiner
Veronica Gardiner [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Paul Gardner
Paul Gardner [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Richard Gordon
Richard Gordon [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Anna J. Griffin
Anna J. Griffin [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Olivia Johnston
Olivia Johnston [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Jane Kirkham
Jane Kirkham [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Sonja Kuzich
Sonja Kuzich [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Louise Leonard
Louise Leonard [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Garth L. Maker
Garth L. Maker [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Helen McCarthy
Helen McCarthy [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Bri McKenzie
Bri McKenzie [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Jane Merewether
Jane Merewether [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Jette Oksis
Jette Oksis [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Chad Morrison
Chad Morrison [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Yuniar Dwi Ansari Siregar
Yuniar Dwi Ansari Siregar [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Cindy Smith
Cindy Smith [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Carly Steele
Carly Steele [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Ana Tankosic
Ana Tankosic [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Xiaofang Sarah Wang
Xiaofang Sarah Wang [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Natalie M. Warburton
Natalie M. Warburton [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Jia White
Jia White [Presentation abstract]
Photo: Jian Zhao
Jian Zhao [Presentation abstract]
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Identification pending, filename 'pres-0437-NEF.jpg'
Identification pending, filename 'pres-0407-NEF.jpg'
Identification pending, filename 'pres-0445-NEF.jpg'
Identification pending, filename 'pres-0449-NEF.jpg'

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Last revised 19 Apr 2024. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/2022/photos/photos3.html
Digital photography: Bob Smith. HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]