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WAIER Forum 2023: Awards

These photographs illustrate Award conferrals at the 38th Annual Research Forum, Saturday 5 August 2023, at Notre Dame University, Fremantle.

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WAIER Postgraduate Awards 2023
The Western Australian Institute for Educational Research presents a number of Postgraduate Awards annually. The aim of these Awards is to recognise excellence in postgraduate student research in the field of education. The Faculty, School or Department of Education from participating WA universities selects an outstanding student researcher to whom this prize will be awarded. For WAIER Postgraduate Awards in previous years, see [PG Award recipients]
Dr Melanie Williams
PhD thesis, Curtin University
A case study of emergent bilinguals meaning-making during multimodal science lessons in a bilingual primary school

Conferred in absentia by Dr Greg Hine (WAIER Treasurer), Dr Sonja Kuzich (WAIER President) and Dr Sian Chapman (WAIER Secretary)
Photo: Presentation in absentia for Melanie Williams
Dr Mary dos Santos
PhD thesis, Murdoch University
Navigating the use of English as a classroom lingua franca in multilingual postcolonial education: Legacy, policy and preference

Conferred in absentia by Dr Sonja Kuzich
(WAIER President) and accepted on Mary's behalf by A/Prof Wendy Cumming-Potvin
Photo: Dr Mary dos Santos
Dr Maria Enriquez-Watt
PhD thesis, Edith Cowan University
"Give me a path to follow": A Deweyan inquiry into training volunteer EAL tutors of adult refugees
[Presentation abstract]

Conferred in absentia by Dr Greg Hine (WAIER Treasurer) and Dr Sonja Kuzich (WAIER President)
Photo: Maria Enriquez-Watt
Dr Lisa Gallin
PhD thesis, University of Notre Dame Australia
What does it mean to be an assistant principal in Catholic primary schools in Western Australia? An exploratory instrumental case study
[Presentation abstract]

Conferred by Dr Sonja Kuzich
(WAIER President)
Photo: Dr Lisa Gallin

WAIER Research Grant
WAIER's annual Research Grant aims to support early career and established researchers who do not have ready access to funds or resources; and/or require seeding funding for new projects for research directly relevant to early childhood, primary, secondary or tertiary education. No award of the WAIER Research Grant was made for 2023.

WAIER-Fogarty Foundation Postgraduate Student Research Prize
In 2023 WAIER is pleased to once again partner with the Fogarty Foundation to offer a postgraduate student research prize of $5000. The aim of the prize is to support educational researchers studying at an approved higher education institution who are conducting research directly relevant to early childhood, primary, secondary or tertiary education. The winner of the Postgraduate Student Research Prize was announced at the Forum:
Tamara Reads
Curtin University
[Presentation abstract]

Presented by Dr Sonja Kuzich (WAIER President)
with Dr Sian Chapman (WAIER Secretary, right background)

Fogarty Foundation logo
Photo: Tamara Reads

WAIER Early Career Award 2023
The Western Australian Institute for Educational Research has presented the Early Career Award annually since 1989. The aim of the Award is to recognise excellence early in an academic/research career and to encourage continuing contributions to research of excellent quality. It is offered to a researcher who has completed a doctoral degree in education in the last five years. The winner of the Early Career Award was announced at the Forum:
Dr Jian Zhao
The University of Western Australia
[Presentation abstract]
[Presentation photo]

Conferred by WAIER President Dr Sonja Kuzich

For names of recipients in previous years,
see [ECA Recipients]
Photo: Jian Zhao

WAIER Fellowship Award 2023
Fellowships are awarded on the basis of leadership and length of service to WAIER, and contribution to the community of educational research within Western Australia. WAIER Fellows are invited to submit a portfolio of 10 years active service in WAIER, including a sustained contribution to the leadership and administration of the Executive Committee, participation in the achievement of the objects and aims of WAIER, valued and sustained performance in a management role on the Executive Committee and a significant contribution within the community of educational research in WA. The Award is conferred by unanimous vote of the WAIER Executive Committee. This year's award was announced at the Forum.
Ms Michelle Murphy
Department of Education

Conferred by Dr Sonja Kuzich (WAIER President)

For names of recipients in previous years,
see [Fellows and Life Members]
Photo: Fellowship Award: Michelle Murphy

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Last revised 19 Aug 2024. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/2023/photos/photos1.html
Digital photography: Roger Atkinson, Sonja Kuzich and others. HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]