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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

Executive Committee 2002

The purpose of the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research is to promote educational research in the Perth community, with particular reference to supporting postgraduate research.

Dr Philip Paioff [President]
PO Box 598
Leederville WA 6903
Email: ppaioff@bigpond.com
Pat Forster [Treasurer]
17 The Promenade
Mount Pleasant WA 6153
Email: forster@iinet.net.au
Dr Judith MacCallum [Vice President]
School of Education
Murdoch University
Murdoch WA 6150
Email: jamac@central.murdoch.edu.au
Tel: 9360 2344 Fax: 9360 6280
Beverley Webster [Secretary]
School of Occupational Therapy
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845
Email: b.webster@curtin.edu.au
Tel: 9266 3611 Fax: 9266 3636
Dr Clare McBeath [IIER Journal Editor]
Faculty of Education
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth WA 6845
Email: c.mcbeath@curtin.edu.au
Tel: 9266 2182 Fax: 9266 2547
Assoc Prof Gary Partington [Past President]
School of Indigenous Australian Studies
Edith Cowan University
2 Bradford Street, Mt Lawley WA 6050
Email: G.Partington@cowan.edu.au
Tel: 9370 6571 Fax: 9370 6055
Dr Anthea Taylor
Graduate School of Education
University of Western Australia
Nedlands WA 6907
Email: ataylor@ecel.uwa.edu.au
Tel: 9380 2398 Fax: 9380 1052
Anna Sullivan
Faculty of Education
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6845
Tel: 9226 2196 Fax: 9266 2547
Lesley Newhouse-Maiden
School of Education
Edith Cowan University
2 Bradford Street, Mt Lawley WA 6050
Email: l.newhouse_maiden@cowan.edu.au
Tel: 9370 6527 Fax: 9561 1311
Dr Roger Vallance
College of Education
University of Notre Dame
PO Box 1225, Fremantle WA 6160
Email: rvallance@nd.edu.au
Tel: 9239 5600 Fax: 9239 5609
Susan Beltman
School of Education, Murdoch University
Murdoch WA 6150
Email: beltman@central.murdoch.edu.au
Tel: 9360 2626 Fax: 9360 6280
Gail Chittleborough
SMEC, Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6845
Email: g.chittleborough@curtin.edu.au
Tel: 9266 3592 Fax: 9266 2503
Telephone and fax numbers are office (work) numbers.

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Last revised 18 May 2006. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/about/archives/committee2002.html
Previous URL from 29 Nov 2000 to 30 July 2001: http://cleo.murdoch.edu.au/waier/about/committee.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com] and Clare McBeath [c.mcbeath@curtin.edu.au]