Western Australian Institute for Educational ResearchPresident's Report 2005Philip Paioff |
The Western Australian Institute for Educational Research has enjoyed a year of significant progress. The focus of Executive's attention has been to streamline and promote our awards and marketing material. I am pleased to report that the 2005 Forum has again been an outstanding success. As usual, the entire executive deserves credit for a job well done, although special mention should be made of Forum Coordinator, Jan Gray, for securing the venue and presenter facilities. Edith Cowan University (Mount Lawley Campus) must also be acknowledged for its ongoing support in allowing us to use its amenities. The level of positive feedback received from participants re-affirms the prominence of WAIER Forums.
Clare McBeath has done an outstanding job editing and publishing bi-annual editions of the 2005 national journal, Issues in Educational Research. Roger Atkinson (IIER Journal Business Manager) has been tireless in his efforts to improve the status of our journal. Roger's efforts as web publisher have led to the establishment of a most informative website that includes updates of WAIER's journal, forum program, research seminars and committee meetings. Please visit our site at http://education.curtin.edu.au/waier/waier.html
Lina Pellicione, has done a fine job as Treasurer. She ensures that WAIER's financial obligations are met and that members are kept informed about our improving financial status.
WAIER has a commitment to recognising prospective and emerging academics. Roger Vallance, supported by Lesley Newhouse-Maiden, has been committed in his role as Early Career and Postgraduate Award Coordinator. Congratulations to all winners and may the WAIER awards continue to be held in high regard. WAIER also wishes Roger every success in his role as visiting professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in the Institute of Communication Research.
Research Seminars continue to play an important role in WAIER's desire to encourage educational research and promote debate on current/critical issues. Eve Ruddock has continued to develop this program across all campuses.
This year saw the presentation of three (3) prestigious WAIER Fellowships to members who have made significant contributions to the aims of our association. Congratulations to, Professor Graham Dellar, Professor Tony Ryan and Dr Beverley Webster. Special mention and thanks should go to Ian Gaynor, for his technical contributions in establishing the Fellowship Award.
I'd like to thank Judith MacCallum for representing WAIER on the Australian Council for Educational Research and Zsuzsanna Millei for her role as IIER Book Review Editor. I would also like to thank Anthea Taylor, Gail Chittleborough and Sofia Elliott for their contributions to WAIER's executive and wish them well in their academic pursuits for 2006 and beyond.
I'd like to acknowledge the work of new executive member, Robert Dixon, for getting actively involved in supporting WAIER activities, especially this year's forum.
Special thanks to Sue Beltman for doing an outstanding job as Secretary and for supporting me throughout the year. Her conscientious approach and attention to detail is greatly appreciated.
I wish to extend my appreciation to all members of executive for volunteering their time to promote educational research throughout Western Australia. Your contributions have added much to the degree and early experience of many researchers, with the view of promoting better outcomes for students of our schools.
I look forward to another exciting year and encourage new and existing members to become involved in our progressive programs.
Dr Philip Paioff