Western Australian Institute for Educational ResearchPresident's Report 2008Ian Gaynor |
The Western Australian Institute for Educational Research has enjoyed another year of continued growth and success.
WAIER's Executive deserve much credit and recognition for their efforts, special mention should be made of Jan Gray, for securing the venue, presenter facilities and ensuring success of the Forum at Edith Cowan University (Mount Lawley Campus), thank you Jan. Edith Cowan University must also be acknowledged for its ongoing support in allowing WAIER to use its amenities. The level of positive feedback received from those who attended the Forum indicates that WAIER's Forum and the venue provides a valuable and unique opportunity for early career researchers to meet, and to develop and refine their research skills. The diligent work of administration and planning by Karen Murcia, as Forum Coordinator, has ensured the forum continued to be a successful forum for early researchers to meet and share the results of their research. I would also like to acknowledge the work of new members Christine Glass, Michelle Striepe and Sheena O'Hare and all existing members of the Executive who assisted in ensuring the Forum operated successfully.
Clare McBeath has continued her outstanding job editing and publishing bi-annual editions of the national journal, Issues in Educational Research. While Roger Atkinson (IIER Journal Business Manager) has been exemplary with his endeavours to raise the exposure of our journal. Roger's efforts as web publisher have ensured that the Institute continues to provide an informative website that includes updates of WAIER's journal, Forum program, research seminars and committee meetings. The IIER Journal was published in print for the last time in 2007. Future publications are online only. Thank you to Clare and Roger for the seamless management of this transition. Please visit our site at http://www.waier.org.au/
Lesley Newhouse-Maiden (Vice-President) and Chris Hackett continued to manage WAIER's prestigious Early Career and Postgraduate Awards. These awards are an important component of WAIER's recognition of prospective and emerging academics. Congratulations to all award recipients. The quality of the recipients will ensure that the WAIER awards will continue to be held in high regard.
Research Seminars have continued to provide WAIER's membership with a medium to explore issues within educational research and promote debate on current/critical issues. Thank you to Eve Ruddock and assisted by Brad Gobby for continuing to coordinate this program.
This year, two prestigious WAIER Fellowships were awarded to Dr Clare McBeath and Dr Roger Atkinson for continued long service to the Institute and exemplary work with the IIER Journal, the development of the online presence of the Institute, and the transition of the Journal to an online format.
The continued support and the success of the Institute and the annual Forum is dependant upon the linkage of the tertiary institutions within WA. Thank you Dr Lesley Newhouse-Maiden and Dr Jan Gray [ECU]; Dr Lina PeIliccione and Dr Sue Beltman [Curtin]; Dr Chris Hackett [Notre Dame]; Dr Caroline Mansfield [Murdoch]; and Sheena O'Hare and Michelle Striepe [UWA].
Lina Pelliccione has continued to direct the financial aspects of WAIER and ensure the sound management of the Institute's fiscal affairs. Lina's contribution to the Institute was recognised as a recipient of an Outstanding Professional Service Award of the Professional Teaching Council of Western Australia. I would also like to extend a special thank you to Sue Beltman for doing an outstanding job as Secretary. Sue's attention to detail and her readiness to assist and provide advice has proved invaluable during my second year as President, thank you Sue.
I would like to extend a sincere thanks to Phil Paioff, our Immediate Past President for his continued support during my second year as President.
Finally, I wish to extend my appreciation to all members of executive for continuing to volunteer their time and to promote educational research throughout Western Australia. Your continued contribution will continue to positively impact upon our education system. 2009 will enable WAIER to strengthen the value of the Annual Forum, promote the value of the research seminars, and strengthen its financial position.
Ian Gaynor
November 2008