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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

President's Report 2011

Chris Hackett


2011 was an outstanding year for WAIER. Financially, WAIER continues to grow from a position of strength. It is quite rare these days to reduce the costs to members and still come out financially sound. I'll leave that to our very efficient Treasurer, Brad Gobby to explain our financial situation for the year later. I intend to leave more detailed reports about the activities of WAIER to other Committee members. However, I'd like to make mention of two activities this year.

The revamped format of the Annual Research Forum proved very popular with our members. The new location at The University of Notre Dame Australia' Tannock Hall of Education was ideally suited to the size and procedure of the Forum. The added bonus was that the University hired the venue at very low cost and supported the event positively. Their Campus Services provided access to the kitchen area and essential equipment like tables, glass, etc. Furthermore, we were very ably coordinated by our Forum Coordinator, Anne Coffey and supported by students from the Education Society at the University. The day ran very smoothly and a professional, congenial atmosphere was created. Added to this was the proactive and general support of our sponsors such as Teachers Credit and Teachers Health. So much so, that they have indicated an ongoing closer relationship with the Institute in the future.

Another highlight I believe was the rejuvenation of the Research Seminars. Led in partnership by Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis and Rita Tognini, the seminars have attracted much interest within education circles around Perth. Angela and Rita have skilfully targeted topics and presenters that appeal to a discerning audience of educators. I encourage all members of the Committee to continue to provide enthusiastic assistance to Angela and Rita.


It is with much regret that I step down from the position of President and resign from the Committee. Up to a few months ago I was truly looking forward to a third year of leadership and provide a stable footing from which to handover my responsibilities. However, my new job position precludes the possibility of leading let alone coming to meetings on a Friday each month. I'm not getting away lightly though, I will be attending Friday meetings twice each month next year!

Also, the moment has arrived for two of our Past Presidents to retire from the Committee - Phil Paioff and Ian Gaynor. Their experience and wisdom will be missed. We have congratulated Phil and Ian in the past for their commitment and contributions. Let me just add a heartfelt and sincere note of gratitude to both of you - Thank you.

Unfortunately, this has left the Executive is a state of flux; but Susan Beltman (Vice-President) has heard the call and taken on the job of Acting President for the next 12 months. I am very grateful to Sue for taking on this additional burden. I am confident she will chair the Committee wisely and plan for next year diligently. With Caroline Mansfield (Secretary) and Brad Gobby (Treasurer) behind her, giving the welcomed advice and strength of commitment I received from them, Sue will manage most ably. To Caroline and Brad, my thanks for your support this year.


WAIER relies on the goodwill and commitment of its Executive Committee. I am truly grateful and humbled by the no nonsense way every one of you on the Committee has made a contribution this year. There have been challenges this year, some risks and no doubt issues that I hope will only be "teething problems". I am confident that the Committee will continue to work through the issues and come to a positive resolution.

Last year I attempted to set out a list of priorities. Under the circumstances, I will leave that to Sue and to the Committee to sort that out in the first meeting next year. To conclude, my time at WAIER has been a valuable learning experience both personally and professionally. I leave the Committee a better educational researcher and person because of each one of you. I will be keeping in touch and no doubt will see me visiting your campuses next year. Thank you.

Chris Hackett
November 2011

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Created 9 Dec 2011. Last corrected 12 Dec 2011. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/ann-reports/presidents-rept-11.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]