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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

President's Report 2012

Sue Beltman

In this 2012 report at the end of my first year as President of WAIER, I would like to acknowledge the work done by all the committee in continuing to promote educational research in Western Australia through the activities of WAIER. Some individual reports will provide more details later but I will give an overview of our major activities for 2012, highlighting some of the work done by committee members. Everyone has contributed all year so this is really a quick sweep of the big picture.

At the 2011 AGM Chris Hackett surprised us all by resigning from the committee due to his new work responsibilities. We also lost our two past presidents, Phil Paioff and Ian Gaynor, as well as our UWA representative, Elaine Lopes. It was especially pleasing then to gain three new members, Greg Hine, Leanne Fried and Jenni Parker in 2012, all of whom have fitted in very nicely and immediately involved themselves in all of WAIER's activities. I'd like to make a special mention of two long time committee members, Judy MacCallum and Christine Glass, who did manage to maintain their links with WAIER and share their expertise despite increasing academic workloads and other issues. As long-time friends, colleagues and WAIER members, this was personally very important.

As a brand new President I have been fortunate to have had the support of Eva Dobozy who stepped up as Vice President and chaired meetings and had emergency corridor conversations throughout the year. Quiet, consistent and competent are three adjectives that come to mind when I think of our Secretary, Caroline Mansfield, and our Treasurer, Brad Gobby. Both have reliably and efficiently guided all operational aspects of the committee and also been involved in many other WAIER activities this year.

Perhaps the key event each year is the Research Forum and we are grateful to Notre Dame for enabling us to use a wonderful venue, but even more grateful to Anne Coffey who has organised and managed all aspects of the event in such a gentle, unobtrusive way. Although everyone has a role to play at the Forum I do acknowledge Brad for his work in the promotional materials, and Clare McBeath and Roger Atkinson for reviewing abstracts, supporting presenters, and creating the program. Our sponsors now play a key role and thanks to Jenni for organising all this in her first year. One of the highlights of the Forum for me is the presentation of the awards to Postgraduates and the Early Career Award winner. Thanks to Rita Tognini for managing this and to Sonja Kuzich and Chris Glass for their support. For all those other things everyone did to make the Forum yet another successful one, thank you.

The journal Issues in Educational Research has been a key component of WAIER's activities again in 2012. Although our editor, Meeri Hellsten is a member of the NSWIER, I would like to acknowledge Eva Dobozy's work as Associate Editor, particularly her editorial role in the second issue of the journal for 2012. Thanks to Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis for her involvement as a copy editor this year. As always we are hugely indebted to Clare McBeath in her role as Publisher and to Roger Atkinson in his role as Business and Website Manager. Without their countless hours of input the journal would not be the successful one it is today.

WAIER's other successful contribution to research is the Research Seminars. This year again we have been fortunate that Angela and Rita have taken on this role, organising an excellent variety of presenters, securing sponsorship of the events, and hosting the seminars in a highly professional yet friendly, welcoming manner.

One area that we have been looking at in 2012 is some succession planning for our WAIER web page. Ably managed by Roger Atkinson who has demonstrated amazing commitment over many years, Brad and Jenni have presented ideas for discussion and debate as we continue to move forward and enable committee members to assist in new areas and develop new ideas. This is one area I hope we will continue to progress in 2013.

Another area to continue to streamline in 2013 is that of the communication processes related to the journal as we have key people located in three geographically very separate places. Another idea to pursue is using some of our funds perhaps to support new researchers or to promote research in WA in some other way. As we move forward with perhaps a new or revised committee in 2013 I would again like to thank everyone for their support in 2012. Thank you.

Dr Susan Beltman
November 2012

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Created 30 Nov 2012. Last corrected 30 Nov 2012. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/ann-reports/presidents-rept-12.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]