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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

President's Report 2018

Susan Beltman

I find it hard to believe that I have just completed my seventh year as President of WAIER and 22 years as a committee member - from 1997. So I think I will move right along and give a brief overview of our major achievements for 2018, beginning by thanking every member of the committee for their contribution to promoting educational research through the activities of WAIER.

In 2018 we have been delighted to welcome Madeleine Dobson to the committee. Special thanks Maddie for such a willing commitment in your first year with contributions as Forum sponsorship coordinator, assisting with the web page, and setting up various social media platforms for publicity purposes. In 2018 we are also saying goodbye to Rita Tognini who has been a committee member since the end of 2009. Since that time she has been actively involved in many aspects of WAIER, including the seminars, the awards, the journal and the new organisational rules.

As President I have once again been supported by Eva Dobozy as Vice President, Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis as secretary, and Greg Hine as treasurer. It has been a pleasure to work with this group - always positive, efficient, professional and willing to assist in any way to support WAIER.

Thanks again to Brad Gobby for his contribution to the website. Clare McBeath and Roger Atkinson have continued their excellent work in not only maintaining but expanding the journal Issues in Educational Research. Rita and Angela have continued as Associate Editors of the journal but I believe the whole team completes many varied tasks when required so thanks for that and to others who have been occasional reviewers. Thanks to Michelle Murphy for organising the Research Seminars and to everyone who supported these, especially Paul Gardner and Helen Dempsey who presented in the seminar series. As well as their other roles, Angela and Helen took on the job of coordinating and streamlining our publicity - and thanks to all other committee members who assisted with this.

The Annual Research Forum is our premier event for the year and was ably and enthusiastically coordinated by Helen for the first time in 2018. Thanks to Brad for his keynote which received positive feedback. Roger and Clare again efficiently managed the high quality submissions and produced the program, Michelle coordinated the raffle, and Sonja Kuzich organised the certificates. Greg as usual made sure that participants paid and bills were settled. Rita, with help from Eva and Chris Glass, organised the all-important awards - and Chris brought the all-important drinks! Sonja managed the process and announced the research grant winner - and thanks to Greg, Rita and Rosanna Stout for their help with the evaluation process. This year we were also able to announce that the Fogarty Foundation financially supported our $2000 Research grant and in 2019 we are pleased to say that Sonja and I have negotiated with them and they are increasing their contribution to a $5000 grant.

In 2019 we are going to do some forward strategic, and hopefully creative, planning, particularly around topics we have already discussed over the past couple of years such as how to keep our Research Seminars and Forum relevant and vibrant? How do we raise WAIER's profile in the education community? Last year I note that in my report I was a bit concerned that we were losing some experienced committee members and asked who would take on their roles? Of course I didn't need to worry as this has to be the best committee in town!! I once again repeat something I included in my 2016 and 2017 reports: "Without active, capable committee members ... WAIER would not be the thriving organisation it still is today".

So I look forward to working with you all in 2019 and thank you everyone for your commitment and contribution to WAIER.

Thank you.

A/Prof Susan Beltman
WAIER President
November 2018

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Created 25 Nov 2019. Last corrected 25 Nov 2019. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/ann-reports/presidents-rept-18.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]