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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

President's Annual Report, 1991

This page is WAIER's official archival copy of the
text of a printed document issued by WAIER in 1991.

Office Bearers - 1991

President:Len King (Edith Cowan)
Vice President:Andrew Taggart (Edith Cowan)
Secretary:Collette Tayler (Edith Cowan)
Treasurer:Diane Spina (Newborough PS)
ACER Delegate:Len King
Editor, IIER:Laurence Chiang
Committee Members:Alan Bain (UWA) replaced by Clive Dimmock (UWA)

Rees Barrett (Secondary Education Authority)

Joy Cullen (Curtin)

John Hall (Curtin)

Susan Hall (Murdoch)

Michael Heaven (Ministry of Education)

Dale Mason (Edith Cowan - Bunbury)

Annette Patterson (Murdoch)

Jim Tognolini (UWA)

The WAIER's 1991 year again has been successful with a strong progranme of activities and marked progress in a number of aspects related to the Institute's objectives. The Executive Committee has worked solidly to maintain a vital profile of educational research in the State and this is evidenced by the diversity of achievements reached across the year.

The Programme

(March)Joint seminar with Edith Cowan University, Mr Henry Miller, Ashton University, UK, speaking on Restructuring of Higher Education in England.
(March)Research And .... The Expressive Arts in Education - Panel discussion and open forum.
(June)General Meeting - New Constitution for WAIER. The meeting realigned the constitution of the Institute 1n relation to recent changes in the structure of the ACER Council.
(June)Open Forum - The Strategic Review of Research in Education. The forum assisted in the development of the Institute's submission to the Review Panel of the Australian Research Council.
(July)What can teachers learn from research into student perceptions of classroom life? Presentatlons and discussion with Professor Tom Good and Professor Mary McCaslin, both of the Center for Research ln Social Behaviour, University of Missouri-Columbia.
(August)An Evening with the Politicians - a Panel Discussion and open forum with the Hon Kay Hallahan MLC, Minister for Educatlon and the Hon Fred Tubby MLA, Shadow Minister for Education.
(August)Sixth Annual Research Forum, Claremont Campus, Edith Cowan University.
(November)Annual General Meeting.

The programme was highlighted by another successful Annual Research Forum, this year held at the Claremont Campus of Edith Cowan University on the traditional last weekend of August. Dr Philip McKenzie of ACER formally opened the Forum, presented a display of ACER publications and products, and provided a summary perspective of the Forum to conclude proceedings. We are grateful to ACER's financial support for our Forum in covering all Philip McKenzies' expenses and contributing to a special morning tea. The Forum programme included a panel discussion on Alternative Views of Research in Education, 36 presentations involving, 42 presenters and approximately 80 participants. The Research Forum is now an established feature on the educational research calendar in WA.

Initiatives in 1991

Two initiatives were introduced in 1991.
  1. Issues in Educational Research - Thanks to the significant work of Laurence Chiang as Editor and strong support from the Executive Committee the Issues in Educational Research journal was launched in October. This is a creditable achievement for the Institute and contributes to the fulfilling of the objective of disseminating educational research.

  2. Joint WAIER/AARE research interest groups. This initiative is in the process of commencement and should provide a useful linkage of all educational researchers in the State.


As President I attended the yearly meeting of the Institutes of Educational Research Standing Comrnittee of the ACER in April, held at the ACER building in Melbourne. The three representatives of the IER's on the Council of ACER are Neil Cranston (QIER) for 3 years, Heather Felton (TIER) for 2 years, and Alan Watson (NSWIER) for 1 year - these being on the three year rotations. With the retirement of Leo Foster (VIER) Alan Watson was elected chairperson of the Standing Committee for the year. Matters discussed included dissemination of SET, the new ACER building, the ACER's $6m budget, and wider promotion of ACER's work.

President's Appreclation

As President I extend to the Executive Comnittee and the membership my warmest thanks and appreciation for the work and support given to WAIER. Thls has been a strong year and one which reflects well on all who have been involved. We have continued to broaden our public contact through further innovative functions. I particularly thank Collette Tayler, who, as Secretary has carried much of the operation of the Institute. As she moves away from the office as well as from the Executive Committee we express our grateful thanks to her for all that she has done with the Executive Committee through the past 5 years. To the hard working Executive Committee I express my appreciation for their help and support.

Len King
WA Institute for Educational Research

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Archival copy created 9 Aug 2010 by scanning and OCR. Last revision: 9 Aug 2010.
This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/1989-93/presidents-rept91.html
Archivist: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]