Western Australian Institute for Educational ResearchPresident's Annual Report 1993This page is WAIER's official archival copy of thetext of a printed document issued by WAIER in 1993.
The programme of activities (Research ands...) and the Research Forum were again the major aspects of another year where the Institute was able to provide opportunities for members and the wider community to be involved in topics related to educational research in Western Australia. I believe we have met our goal of providing opportunities for the wider -educational community and our members to increase their understanding of the contribution that research in education can make to schooling at all levels. The four "Research ands.. ." conducted in 1993 have also enabled the Institute to go beyond providing for academics and graduate students in the university sector. As clearly communicated in the Strategic Review of Research in Education there is an ongoing need, perhaps an imperative is a better word, for researchers, teachers and parents to jointly consider research directions and findings. The potential role that students can play in this informing process should also be considered as we pursue the goal of a more equitable, socially just and higher quality education for all Australians.
Our journal, Issues in Educational Research, has continued its successful venture into the mainstream of research publications. While maintaining an editorial policy that provides particular support for beginning researchers it is well positioned to provide an alternative avenue for both new and established researchers to have their research published. John Hall and Andrew Sooby are to be commended for the efforts in this regard and we all look forward to the Journal meeting its two issues per year target in 1994. Following discussions with the NSWIER and the NTIER we will soon embark on joint publication of the Journal. This will provide a much needed boost in readership and potential contributors and should ensure the long term viability of the journal. With 200-260 further subscribers in 1994 the Journal will be reaching a much wider audience which over time should lead to an enhanced publication. The intended rotation of editors between the three parties and the formation of a composite editorial board in 1994 will require further work from the Executive but I am convinced is in the best interests of the Institute. The efforts of John Hall in this regard deserve special mention.
Our annual research forum was run in conjunction with the AARE national conference in Fremantle in November. The Forum was once again a very stimulating event and well attended. It was pleasing to see WAIER and AARE members joining together during the discussion of papers and afterwards at the most enjoyable Forum dinner. The presentation of the WAIER awards and 1992 Early Career Award winner Ric Lowe's presentation, held in conjunction with the Forum continue to be an important part of our Institute's work and very highly valued by the recipients and their nominees. The conference organisers, Graham Dellar and Gary Partington, are to be congratulated on their efforts. The work of Susan Hall in linking the two conferences was also greatly appreciated.
Current membership is now at 100 which reaffirms that previous estimates in 1991 were somewhat inflated. It is difficult to determine what is a satisfactory number of members, however in 1994 we should expect to set a target of somewhere between 90-120. I am pleased to recognise the work of our treasurer Phil Paioff in maintaining the accounts in good order and reconciling membership status during 1993. It is gratifying that WAIER continues to be in a strong financial position. How this is achieved with a $20 membership fee which includes the two IIER journals reflects a very lean organisation.
WAIER continues to maintain close ties with ACER. This association is of mutual benefit as it provides state Institutes with a time to meet and discuss current initiatives and issues each year, and, also an opportunity to influence the national research programme of ACER. Given the political nature of this agenda, particularly in the current light of the National Curriculum and Monitoring of Standards initiatives. we are fortunate to be able to contribute in this area of national. It is likely that WAIER's representative will be nominated to the ACER Board in 1995 which will allow the Institute to further enhance its profile at the national level.
WAIER has been fortunate to have the support of all WA universities and the Ministry of Education in 1993. In 1994 we should encourage involvement of TAFE and others interested in the research process and outcomes. Unfortunately David Carter at Notre Dame has been unable to continue as an executive member for the last part of 1993. WAIER must continue to nurture links with all institutions and it is hoped that a replacement for David can be found early in 1994. With key members of the executive currently housed at Edith Cowan and Curtin the support of the respective Deans, Neil Tuckwell and Owen Watts, is gratefully acknowledged. Their support enables the potential impact of educational research to be enhanced.
Our Executive will be without the services of Susan Hall, Val Klenowski, David Carter, Andrew Sooby, Clive Dymock and Dale Mason in 1994. I thank them for their contribution in this and previous years and trust they will continue to be active members of WAIER. A particular thank you to the efforts of our hard working secretary Graham Dellar, who epitomises the saying, "if you want something done, ask a busy person".
WAIER is well placed to continue the profile and relevance of educational research in WA. I look forward to your continued support in 1994.
Andrew Taggart
December 7, 1993