Western Australian Institute for Educational Research Inc
ABN: 20 438 800 399

18th Annual Research Forum
Saturday 9 August 2003 at Mt Lawley Campus,
Edith Cowan University, Bradford Street, Mt Lawley.

Forum 2003 Invitation

9.30 am to 4.30 pm, Saturday 9 August

Edith Cowan University
The Forum activities are in Building 17. We recommend car parking on the northern side adjacent to the Central Avenue entrance, and near Building 17, as parking in other areas of the campus may be congested by other activities - see ECU Campus Maps (select Mt Lawley). Saturday parking is free.
Participation in the WAIER Forum provides the opportunity to learn about developments at the forefront of educational research in Western Australia. It also enables current researchers to present papers reporting their own research.

The forum is devoted to all aspects of educational research and epistemologies within this field and in particular, new researchers and post-graduate students with either work in progress or completed are encouraged to present.

Research methodology workshops will be offered at the Forum
Please refer to the pages detailing the requirements for Abstract Submission and Forum Registration. A Program and Abstracts will be made available prior to the Forum. After the Forum, links to selected full text articles in the Proceedings will become available.

Forum activities include presentation of WAIER's Early Career Award. Nominations for the Award are now invited, closing 1 July 2003, please see the Award Nomination Form.

If you are not familiar with previous Forums, please see the web links to the abstracts or programs for WAIER's 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 Forums.

[ Program ] [ Abstracts ] [ Abstract Submission ] [ Forum Registration ] [ All Forums index ]
Created 18 Mar 2003. Last revision: 19 May 2006. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/2003/invitation.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com] and Clare McBeath [c.mcbeath@curtin.edu.au]